i'll answer any questions asked. so shoot. ☟

how do you actually see who's following you on Formspring so that you can follow them back? MAN THIS SHIT IS CONFUSING.

how do you actually see who's following you on Formspring so that you can follow them back? MAN THIS SHIT IS CONFUSING.

Answer here

Happy Chinese New Year Ryan!

Calling all Nigahiga fans...

I'm thinking of having a collaboration video where all the fans, which is you, wish Ryan a Happy New Year? Since Ryan is asian, I was thinking that maybe we should wish him a HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR instead of HAPPY NEW YEAR. And, you can also wish the whole NIGAHIGA crew, not just Ryan.

So, what did you guys think?( Suggestions? )
Comment or shout out (:

1. Video clip must not be more than 5 minutes long

2. Any type of presentation is allowed( be creative )

3. No background music

4. You can edit your video clip before sending it in but again, no background music. If you want to play a musical instrument, that's fine.

5. Youtube account must be displayed in the video clip. If not, you can just put your nickname or name.

6. Deadline of sending in the video clips is on 1 Febuary 2010

7. No inappropriate language. If there is, bleep it

8. Video clips must be in WMV format. Change the format if it is not in WMV. You can download one of the converters on this blog - Click on 'File Converters' at the 'Contents' section on the left side of the blog.

9. DO NOT post it on Youtube

Email it to :
Include In The Email:

~ Your Country                                      
~ Your Youtube Account ( If possible )
~ And Obviously, Your Video Clip       

Skitzo Series Downloads

* Downloads are all free and click on the ORANGE words to download. And the BLUE words to check update dates.
Credits : nigahigafans @ blogspot.

1. Introductions   ( updated : 30 November 2009 )

2. The Halloween Story

3. The PSA  ( updated : 24 December 2009 )

Alternative File Converter Download

On my previous post, I gave you guys the link to download the Prism Converter, free. It's only for a period of time only. After awhile, it will expire.

But you can download this converter :ANY VIDEO CONVERTER for free and it is not a trial version. It will be there and useable forever.

** Any questions, send me a PM on my youtube account


Download File Converter

Download Prism Video Converter Free

Click on the above link and then install the Prism Converter. 
I use this converter to convert all my files and this is really good. 
If you have any problems, message me at MY YOUTUBE ACCOUNT

